Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Michael Vale said...

Hi everybody,
sorry it's been a while between posts - we've all got heaps of photographs to send you, just as soon as we work out the blogger technology . . . .please stay tuned and please write back,

Michael Vale said...

Hi everybody,
sorry itìs been a while between posts - we're still working out how to use thw technology! Prato is great. We have been touring all around Tuscany while dodging lightning, mosquitos and Italian motorists. Everyone is now settled into the studios and we're starting to get some interesting work together. We need to, because we have to put an exhibition together by the end of next week! As soon as we work it out we'll be sending lots of photos . . . .please write back!

d e v o n . a t k i n s said...

hey michael,

the website is very impressive but you havent given us much to comment on so far. whats going on? is it a big happy community or have the boys destroyed the entire town?

my favourite thing to say this semester is 'i miss wanker tom.' the place just isnt the same without the clutter and the cunts.

everything is going on slowly here, we went on an excursion the other day - but you know how we hate structure. My work is slowly coming together - its a little more thought out then last semester but still all over the place.

hey i've got an internet project happening if anyone could please help! its at www.myspace.com/conceptualcontribution

all you have to do is write my little phrase "there was a point that i started mumbling" ANYWHERE you like that someone else might see it then take a picture and send it to me. it would be great if you would do it and ask the others to aswell.

it will only take a few seconds if you dont want to get elaborate, but feel free to make it as detailed as you like. write it on the inside cover of a hired book or graffiti it right down the leaning tower. doesnt matter. if you could ask anyone to help that would be great.

send us some pictures soon!

hope your having a great time.

Toni said...

so the last two days we have all been busy setting up our exhibition in Prato, Michael has deserted us however i think we have surived and we may just pull off a good show. shame we have no one to come see it! haha, all the same we are very excited about it. Wish you could all be here too, especially when we have our 'closing drinks.' so after the weekend there should be some photos up on the blog. would love to see what your all up to as well so please post some pictures. And Dev we will be sending some Italian versions of 'there was a point i started mumbling.'
missing you all heaps
love Toni And Mez